Friday, November 25, 2016

Magnified Gratitude

It was a warm Sunday afternoon. I felt like taking a cozy nap. But we had to head out for a speakers forum for a contest. So the idea of sleeping was destroyed. After a sumptuous lunch, we got ready and drove to the destination. We reached on time. The venue was well arranged and everybody was all set in place for the contest. The contestant's age group varied from 5th grade to 10th grade.

 They were all in the mood of preparing and delivering the best in the speech contest. As I was also on the team, I got to interact with many members. While I was in a discussion with a parent, I remembered her daughter singing on a big stage and was about to telecast in a TV. 

 I told the parent that her daughter sung well and that song was my favorite number. She said "Thanks" and we parted ways.

 The Contest went well. We finished everything and came back home late night. Around 10'O clock I got a ping in the Whatsapp. I checked the message. It was from the girl who sung well.

It read, "Thanks so much for letting my Mom know that I sang well". It came as a surprise for me. I talked all this to her mother. Like every one of us, she also would have discussed the same at home.

 But how many of us would take some time to tell our gratitude for the person who wished for us? Leave about adult, she was a school child probably from 8th or 9th grade. I was mesmerized.

If a child has the innate nature of gratitude in them, I wonder the maturity of the child when she grows up. Definitely, I believe it is only of the very holistic healthy habit which we all need to instill in our children by the way we practice in our life. Do you all agree?

Thursday, November 17, 2016

External Factor

It was a Sunday morning. As usual, I was too lazy to get up from bed. The smell of morning lilies and the lovely little birds did not allow me to open my eyes. The weather was extremely pleasant. In the midst of all the goodness, there was a disturbance. It was my phone. I cursed myself for not keeping in the silent mode. My dream was scampered. I immediately jumped from the bed in the mood of taking my mobile.

I said, "Hello, Good Morning". She replied saying, "Hi, can I speak for few minutes?". I wondered and puzzled. She continued, "There is a storytelling competition being planned near a school, next to my house. I thought to enroll my son for the same. If you can send me a story, then my son could practice and showcase for the event". I said, "I can very well do that. I will send the story in Whatsapp and you can ask your son to go over the same". She kept the phone and I continued my chores for that day.

The next day, she called again. This time she asked me whether I could record the story and send to her. Initially, I was not in a mood to accept the deal. I had a set of work which I was supposed to complete that day. So I felt this would be a big burden for me. I was very hesitant to accept the same. Since she was very interested in making that possible, I was also in a mood to jump in for the activity.

The first time I recorded the story, there were many mistakes. I recorded it once again. The mistakes were reduced. Gradually my work has progressed.  I could complete the recording in the fifth attempt. Finally, I shouted and said, "Hurray". I sent the voice recording of the story to her.

After hearing the story, she said a very positive feedback and a bunch of heartfelt thanks. Listening to her words kept my energy boosted. So I thought to circulate the same to few of my close friends. They replied with a lot of positive feedback and that led to the movement of sending audio stories through Whatsapp. Glad to hear from many friends that they use this as their children's bedtime stories. 

Sometimes in life, we need an external push to do something which exists in our caliber. We may not be aware of our innate strength. It is very hard to accept that energizing factor with a confused mind. If we stand out from our regular thoughts and practices and analyze the  brighter good we will have clarity. So next time, when something pushes you beyond your limit, believe that you are heading towards another best.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Positive Ripples

   It was a wonderful Sunday morning. I was gearing up for my storytelling session in Anna Centenary Library near Kotturpuram. There were many children along with their parents eagerly waiting to listen to the stories.
We started our session on time. The stories were narrated in a timely manner and ended on time. The stories carried a message to keep trying until success.

After the session was over, there were two children who stood up and wanted to speak. First, it was amazing to see children willing to speak. I listened to the first child. She said, "Aunty, I was trying to make an Origami craft. Initially, it was very hard. I kept trying and finished it good".

The second boy stood up and spoke, "I did some project in chemistry, it was very tough in the beginning. I thought I will not be able to complete. But I tried hard, then I succeeded".

Another tiny little boy said, "It's hard for me to wake up in the morning. I think I will try next time". 

It was an extraordinary morning to hear those tiny voices speak above their level of maturity. Stories are a great way to help them visualize the positivity and I am happy that I was the instrument that day. It's great to see that the idea of spreading positive ripples through stories have started to begin. Let it rise and create more ripples and make the world a little more beautiful every day. 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Coffee Cup

It was a wonderful morning. I was back from my regular yoga session. I was puzzled by the absence of my maid for a long time. “She must have been here by now. Why so late?” I was mumbling to myself. Before I could think all of that, I see my maid opening my door. Hah! I was relieved. Unfortunately, there were a lot of vessels to be cleaned, floor to be mobbed and dresses to do laundry. She started slowly, did everything in a good pace and finished all of that chores and left home. Usually, she has her cup of coffee after all the work. 

Before she started her work, I told her very clearly that the coffee was ready and kept near the oven. She too agreed and continued the work. After I completed my set of work and came to the kitchen I could see the coffee still there. I immediately called her number and asked why she didn't drink the same. She immediately replied, "Amma, I forgot" and she kept the phone.

The next day she came to my home as usual and told me that her mother was so happy and surprised about my phone call and she felt that someone in the world is caring for her daughter. I was smiling and felt good. I am not posting here just boasting myself or blowing an achievement, but to make myself and you aware that a small act can make a big difference for others. Few soothing words told at the right moment genuinely can bring a great difference for ourselves and others. Come on, let's make the world a little more beautiful every day.